Leadership Caffeine Jam Session #19
Vexing Dilemmas of Managers at
All Levels and How to Overcome Them.
May 12th, 12 PM CT
In these 50-minute events, host and leadership and management expert, Art Petty along with other leading thinkers offer ideas for leading, managing, innovating, and succeeding that you can put to work immediately. Additionally, the last 15-minutes is reserved exclusively for your questions on anything related to managing and leading effectively.
For all topics, you have a voice as we jam together on solving some of the vexing problems of leading and managing.
Sign up for the series or for individual sessions!

As much as we might think our challenges are unique, long experience coaching and developing managers at all levels consistently uncovers some common challenges that get in the way of progress. From dealing with difficult people at work to delivering feedback, dealing with the demands of corporate, bringing change to life, or navigating a micromanaging boss and others, we'll explore a baker's dozen common manager challenges and highlight ideas to solve them. And, bring your own and we'll crowdsource the ideas.
Jam Session #19
Webinar: 05/12/2023 12 pm CT*
Upcoming Jam Sessions
Leadership Caffeine Jam Session #20
Communicating Successfully in Stressful Situations
We all encounter challenging moments in the workplace that test our ability to keep our cool and navigate the tension. For these situations, we risk either responding in kind or withdrawing--neither of which are winning approaches. One of the focal points of my coaching work is helping individuals strengthen their abilities to be at their best when many are at their worst. Bring your challenging situation examples and your approaches to succeeding, and I'll share the tools and approaches I teach to my executive coaching clients.
June 9th, at 12 PM CT
Leadership Caffeine Jam Session #21
What I've Learned in 10,000 Hours of Coaching
I've been coaching long enough to substantiate the 10,000+ hour claim, and believe it or not, there are some common challenges that just about every professional faces on their journey. In the words of the dean of coaching, Marshall Goldsmith, What Brought You Here Won't Get You There. In this session, I'll share insights on what the best coaching clients do to succeed as they strive to level up and scale their impact. Hint: it's all about cultivating new behaviors will letting older ones go.
July 14th, at 12 PM CT
Register for the monthly webinar series
for ideas to energize.
* By signing up for this series you agree to receive my newsletter and occasional emails with offers and information.